
HSP has opportunities for internships in Archives, Conservation, and Digital Collections.  Our interns complete a broad range of tasks to help prepare them for positions after graduation.  Below are brief descriptions of our internships.  Please see the Historical Society’s website for availability, more detailed information, and instructions on how to apply for an internship.

Archival Internships:

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania seeks individuals who wish to learn more about archival work. Internships are developed on an individual basis and every effort is made to match the intern’s interests and expectations with the tasks assigned. Projects may include organizing and describing archival materials, assisting with the preservation of collection items, working on a larger collection with a staff member, or assisting with overall collections management and care.  If you’re interested in applying click here for more information.

Conservation Internships:

The Conservation Intern, based in the Library Division, works under the guidance of the Director of Preservation and Conservation Services, providing hands-on care to manuscripts and graphics. Specific responsibilities include: surface cleaning and repairing of collection items, creating custom enclosures and housings. The Conservation Intern is expected to keep a daily documentation of his/her activity. For further information click here.